Brackets for vertical installation of PDU
For vertical installation of a power distribution unit into IT rack, it is necessary to order the appropriate bracket for basic, monitored and managed PDUs, which is not included in the package.
For vertical installation of a vertical power distribution unit into IT rack, it is necessary to order the appropriate bracket for basic, monitored and managed PDUs, which is not included in the package.
Universal bracket DP-RP-VM-12 can be used for installation of all types of PDUs into a rack with L, P and A-type of extrusions.
The black DP-RP-VM-15/xx bracket is designed for vertical mounting of up to 2 basic, monitored, or managed PDUs side by side into a rack with A-type 19" extrusions. To install the basic PDU, it is necessary to order the DP-RP-VM-BA adapter. In addition, the perforation on the bracket can be used for managing the cabling. It is possible to set the position of the bracket to minimize the used space. Easy installation is done with only 2 screws.

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